Sight Reading Beginners
The diagram above shows the complexity of reading music. Knowledge of four different skills are required to interpret and perform the musical piece accurately.
With piano playing your thumb is called fingers 1. Put finger 1 on C. Make sure all fingers are touching the piano, one finger per note. Arch your hand so that your knuckles are slightly raised and fingers are relaxed. Play on your finger tips. When playing one note try to keep all other fingers still.
Try out the song below. Position : Cover 1 on middle C, start with playing finger 3 on E. Compare each noe with the previous note. Does the music go UP, come DOWN or STAY THE SAME?
Next step - Try out the song below. POSITION : Cover 1 on middle C, all fingers touching. The tune starts with finger 3 on E
First of all, decide if the music goes UP, comes DOWN or STAYS THE SAME
Secondly, compare each note with the previous note. The music could move by a STEP (A next door note) or by a GAP (miss one note).
It's important to confidently master STEPS and GAPS reading before moving on.
LEFT HAND PLAYING. To start Put your left hand thumb (finger 1) on MIDDLE C. Play going from Right to left - downwards. Play fingers 1 2 3 4 5. Remember to arch your hand and play on your finger tips.
Put both hands on the piano. Make sure both thumbs (finger 1 ) share middle C